Seperti hendak memberikan sesuatu tema musikal yang lain dan tak melulu menyoal kekejaman maupun cipratan dari darah segar. Shattered yang notabene baru saja merilis album debut bertajuk “New Atlantis” ini justru menawarkan segmentasi konsep technical death metal lebih berwarna. Dimana mereka menciptakan sebuah keindahan astronomi tata ruang angkasa yang elok terbalut manis dengan struktur alur ritmik pola technical death metal yang terkonversi megah.
Dalam album ini tak tanggung-tanggung gelontoran sebanyak 14 track mereka persembahkan untuk anda para pengagum fast riffing semisal Obscura, Necrophagist maupun Spawn of Possession. Walaupun saya bukan penggemar berat genre technical death metal, tetapi menurut saya mereka cukup lihai mengolah genre tersebut dengan didukung karakteristik sound modern yang justru malah cenderung mengarah ke era “Cosmogenesis”.
Tak hanya menggedor ritme secara bertubi-tubi, tetapi mereka terlihat seolah cerdas dalam mengatur tempo. Intelegensi mereka seakan kian teruji ketika mereka harus dihadapkan pada suguhan tempo kapan harus bermain cepat menderu-deru ataupun lambat menghela napas.
Oh yaa tidak hanya itu, musisi handal Christian Münzner (Ex-Necrophagist, Ex-Obscura) dan Sven DeCaluwe (Aborted) pun di gaet untuk ikut terlibat dalam menggarap debut album bercita rasa ilmu astronomi ini. Anda ingin menikmati sebuah album beratmosfer technical death metal yang tidak selalu terdengar rumit, mungkin “New Atlantis” bisa menjadi sebuah pilihan. (7.8/10)
English Version
As if to give something else a musical theme and not merely questioning the cruelty and splashes of fresh blood. Shattered which incidentally has just released their debut album titled "New Atlantis" was actually offered segmentation concept of technical death metal more colorful. Where they created a layout space astronomy beauty exquisite sweet wrapped with rhythmic groove structure technical death metal pattern that converted magnificent.
In this album unsparing as many as 14 tracks they present you with the admirers of fast riffing such Obscura, Necrophagist and Spawn of Possession. Although I am not a big fan of technical death metal genre, but I think they are pretty good at treating the genre with modern sound characteristics which supported it tends to lead to an era of "Cosmogenesis".
Not only the rhythm pounded by a barrage, but they look like the smart set the tempo. Intelligence they seemed increasingly tested when they have to face the tempo treats when to play fast or slow roaring sigh.
Oh ya not only that, musicians Christian Münzner (Ex-Necrophagist, Ex-Obscura) and Sven DeCaluwe (Aborted) was in the hook to get involved in working on the debut album of this flavor astronomy. You want to enjoy an atmosphere are technical death metal album that does not always sound complicated, perhaps the "New Atlantis" could be an option. (7.8/10)
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